Jarek Glodo

Goal. Looking to build a research space of my own.


+O1 857 2O7 7912

jglodo gmail

Watertown, MA, USA

I am a physicist with background in radiation detection, material development, and basic software development. Beside science I am interested in finance and business development.

I hold a director’s position at Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc. working on development of novel scintillating materials and scintillator based detectors/detection systems.

Over the years, I have managed many SBIR/BAA research projects from DOE, NIH, DHS, and DOD.

I am looking for opportunies for collaborations related to material development and their commercial applications.

selected recent publications

  1. Lutetium oxide-based scintillator materials including related systems and methods
    Kanai S Shah, Jaroslaw Glodo, Charles Brecher, and 4 more authors
    Oct 2022
    US Patent 11,466,204
  2. Halide-based scintillator materials
    Edgar V Van Loef, Jaroslaw Glodo, Pijush Bhattacharya, and 2 more authors
    Jun 2023
    US Patent App. 17/880,203
  3. Characterization of large diameter dual-mode cerium-doped Tl2LiYCl6 advanced scintillator
    R Hawrami, E Ariesanti, A Burger, and 7 more authors
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Jun 2023